Dans le Pledge of Allegiance orirginale, les fondateurs de l'Amerique ont bien fait la separation d'eglise et etat... Il n'y avait pas de Dieu!!
Ce n'est qu'apres la 2eme guerre mondiale qu'on a decide d'ajouter "under God" juste apres "one nation"...
Apres ca le fanatisme religieux n'a fait qu'incrementer aux USA.... Pourrait l'Amerique devenir un jour une theocracie? (est elle une deja?)
The original Pledge was recited while giving a stiff, uplifted right hand salute, criticized and discontinued during WWII. The words "my
flag" were changed to "the flag of the United States of America" because it was feared that the children of immigrants might confuse
"my flag" for the flag of their homeland. The phrase, "Under God," was added by Congress and President Eisenhower in 1954 at the urging of
the Knights of Columbus(7).
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