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 the day after demain

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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyVen 28 Jan à 10:07

Alarm at new climate warning

Temperatures around the world could rise by as much as 11C, according to one of the largest climate prediction projects ever run

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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyLun 7 Fév à 10:05


ah.. il y a des images satellite qu'on peut zoomer dans cet article....
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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyJeu 10 Fév à 9:48

the day after demain - Page 4

apres le tsunami...
cette image montre les fonds la autour de l'isle de Java.... apres le "crash" des deux plaques tectoniques!!

he images show bands of color representing different seabed depths due to ridges and canyons in the seabed structure. Those in blue are some 4,300 metres deep (canyons) while those in red are shallower at around 1,000 metres deep (ridges).

The naval staff said they believed that after the collision of the plates, high ridges in the structure of the seabed crumbled to form a "canyon".

The images show the "canyon" created from the landslide movement in blue. Commander Malcolm described this movement as like "scree sliding down the side of a quarry".

The earthquake's epicentre is shown on the images with a small yellow dot and the centre of movement of the plates is shown with a red dot.
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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyVen 18 Fév à 13:17

U.S. Scientists Say They Are Told to Alter Findings

More than 200 scientists employed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service say they have been directed to alter official findings to lessen protections for plants and animals, a survey released Wednesday says.

article complet:,0,4954654.story?coll=la-home-nation
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyVen 18 Fév à 17:34

j'ai de la peine à comprendre le texte t1536

en gros ça dit quoi ? qu'ils ont manipulé les données scientifiques ? t1522
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyVen 18 Fév à 20:25

Mina a écrit:
j'ai de la peine à comprendre le texte t1536

en gros ça dit quoi ? qu'ils ont manipulé les données scientifiques ? t1522

que les scientifiques qui font des etudes pour la proteccion de l'environment, fauna et flore sont presiones a alterer leurs resultats!!! et oui... ils sont presiones pour alterer les resultats et diminuer alors la protection aux especes et ecologie (l'ambiance et tout) .. et favoriser alors l'industrie, et les enterprises..

grrrr la mentalite bush quoi! t1513
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyVen 18 Fév à 20:25

Écologie : petits gestes, grands effets

[17 février 2005]

Quelques idées de comportements “ écologiquement corrects ” empruntées au site :
- sélectionner des produits portant l’Éco-label européen ou la marque NF Environnement ;
- préférer les produits d’entretien classiques aux lingettes à tout faire. Non seulement elles reviennent quinze fois plus cher, mais encore leurs 23 kilos par an et par foyer (contre 1,6 pour les bonnes vieilles méthodes) finissent à la poubelle, contrairement aux bouteilles, qui peuvent être recyclées ;
- faire l’impasse sur les produits présentés en mini-doses (fromages, café, goûters, produits de beauté...), qui génèrent beaucoup plus d’emballages (dix fois plus pour 25 dosettes de café que pour un paquet de 100 grammes) ;
- acheter des fruits et légumes de saison et, si possible, cultivés localement. On limite ainsi les nuisances des transports routiers et aériens ;
- respecter le dosage des lessives indiqué par le fabricant. Inutile aussi de dépenser de l’énergie en lavant à haute température : la plupart des lessives n’ont pas besoin d’être ainsi “ boostées ” pour être efficaces ;
- au supermarché, demander un sac “ consigné ” pour mettre ses courses (une fois usé, il est remplacé gratuitement). Les 17 millions de sacs plastique distribués chaque année mettent en effet 100 à 400 ans à se dégrader pour une utilisation moyenne de... 20 minutes ;
- préférer les piles sans cadmium ni mercure et veiller à les déposer, une fois usées, dans un point de collecte. Elles seront ainsi recyclées. “ Perdue ” dans la nature, une seule pile peut en effet polluer 500 m3 d’eau et 1 m3 de terre pendant 50 ans ;
- ne pas trop recourir aux bois de menuiserie (portiques, volets, meubles, barrières...), qui sont en effet traités avec différents produits chimiques (cuivre, chrome, arsenic...) qui, lorsqu’ils brûlent, se répandent dans l’air que l’on respire.

- La pollution urbaine serait à l’origine de 30 000 décès prématurés chaque année.
- 7 % à 20 % des cancers seraient imputables à des éléments environnementaux, dont les produits chimiques : on attribue à la mauvaise qualité de l’air 600 à 700 cas annuels de cancers du poumon parmi la population adulte urbaine.
- L’asthme et les maladies allergiques ont doublé ces vingt dernières années. Pollution extérieure (trafic routier, industries...), mais aussi domestique (tabagisme actif et passif, monoxyde de carbone dégagé par les appareils de chauffage et d’eau chaude défectueux...) sont fortement suspectées.
- Certaines substances chimiques – dont les pesticides – sont des perturbateurs endocriniens. Chez l’enfant, elles peuvent provoquer des malformations génitales masculines – deux fois plus fréquentes chez les enfants d’agriculteurs... –, des anomalies de la différenciation sexuelle, des pubertés précoces et des retards de croissance fœtale.
- L’InVS a récemment établi un lien entre l’inquiétante augmentation de l’infertilité masculine et l’exposition répétée aux éthers de glycol, composés chimiques utilisés dans les peintures, encres et colles.
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyVen 25 Fév à 19:31

First of six photos in a sequence showing the beach at Khao Lak, Thailand, on Dec.26, 2004. The photos which show the water first receding, then forming into the first wave that crashed ashore, were found on the digital camera card of a North Vancouver couple, when their bodies were identified recently.

t1512 t1504 t1525

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John and Jackie Knill pose at their Thailand resort in Khao Lak on Dec. 12, 2004, taken the couple's digital camera, in this family handout photo. The bodies of the two tsunami victims have been found in Thailand, along with their final photos.

the day after demain - Page 4 Capt.cpt11002241647.tsunami_canadians_cpt110

t1512 t1504 t1525
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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyLun 7 Mar à 9:42

3000 tremblements de terre en 72 heures (aux environs de la cote de Seattle... sur L'ile de Vancouver...).

Ils suppconnent qu'il s'agit d'un volcan qui est en train de naitre!
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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyVen 11 Mar à 9:15

Le Mt St Helen nous rappelle qu'il est bien vivant....

ca doit etre a cause de son activite que sur la cote de l'Oregon on a eu 1500 petits tresmblements de terre le we:
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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyLun 21 Mar à 9:06

c'est sec... tres tres sec en France!! Je me demande si c'est pareil dans d'autres pays d'Europe? (argh.... non .. la Suisse a surement assez avec ses reserves de "glaciers").

Sans doute la pire sécheresse depuis 50 ans en France, selon le ministre de l'Environnement --par Sophie Tétrel--
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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyMer 13 Avr à 17:40

de la grelle de la taille des oeufs ... 18 morts!

Hailstones 'as big as eggs' kill 18
By Di Fang (China Daily)
Updated: 2005-04-11 06:10

A hailstorm in Sichuan Province and Chongqing Municipality has left 18 dead, one person missing and 25 injured, the People's Daily reported yesterday.

The biggest hailstorm, which fell in Chongqing, reached 13 centimetres in diameter, according to local reports.

Chongqing's eight districts also experienced gales and 140 millimetres of rainfall in last Friday's storm.

According to the municipal Office of Disaster and Social Relief, about 458,000 residents in 80 counties and towns in Chongqing were hit by bad weather, leaving five dead and 25 injured.

It is estimated that 140 million yuan (US$17 million) of damage was caused.

Qianjiang District in Chongqing was the worst affected, with hailstones destroying more than 27,800 houses and local crops. In this district alone, there was damage worth 35 million yuan (US$4.2 million).

Many cities in Sichuan were also affected by strong winds and heavy rainfall. Some cities, such as Leshan, Dazhou and Yibin, were also hit by hailstorms.

Thirteen people died in the province.

Ye Sheng, deputy director of Gaoxian County's Party committee in Yibin, said he witnessed a hailstorm that lasted for about one-and-a-half hours on Friday.

He said some hailstones were as big as eggs, and even small ones were the size of peas. "Many houses were pierced by the hail. It is the most serious hailstorm for 20 years in the county," he was quoted by People's Daily as saying.

A large band of rising warm air resulted in the wind, rain and hail, the Provincial Office of Disaster and Social Relief said.

Measures have been taken to counter the hailstorm, including cloud seeding. In Chongqing alone, some 2,100 rounds have been launched to force hail to change into rain.

Sichuan Province has set up a special disaster and social relief group to guide the work, comfort affected residents, help them reconstruct their homes to get their lives back to normal.

Areas in Hubei Province adjoining Sichuan also experienced similar weather, injuring 15 people.

Last week, many regions in China were hit by sudden changes of weather.

Areas in North China and Northwest China experienced sudden drops in temperature.

In Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the temperature slumped to 1 C below zero on Thursday from 26 C above the day before.

And in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the temperature dropped by 17 degrees between Wednesday and Thursday.

The region also had its most serious dust storm this spring on Friday. t1525 t1525
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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 4 EmptyJeu 28 Avr à 12:32

ouff.. quelle experience... s'ils tuent les grands lacs ... il va manquer plein d'eau au nord des USA.. Deja je me souviens de quand j'habitais la bas... a cause de la pollution on trouvait plein de poisson mutant... des poissons avec 3 yeux.. double organes.. etc...

Scientists delve into Lake Erie dead zone

They'll study oxygen depletion, its effects

April 26, 2005


An expanding, oxygen-starved "dead zone" in Lake Erie is generating a massive international mobilization of scientists, high-tech equipment and research vessels to find clues to the biological mystery.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Ann Arbor-based Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory will lead the 2-year study, one of the largest such probes of Lake Erie.

Launched this week, the study involves dozens of experts from Canada, Great Lakes states, universities and federal agencies. Potential factors contributing to the dead zone include the zebra mussel, low water levels and fertilizer runoff from large factory farms, experts say.

"We not only want to find out why this is happening, we want to find out how it might affect the food web and what the consequences might be," Stephen Brandt, director of the research lab, said Monday.

Because Lake Erie is the shallowest and one of the most industrialized of the five Great Lakes, it is considered something of a canary in a mineshaft -- if there's trouble in the lakes, it may well appear first in Erie.

The dead zone is not new. It occurs every year in late summer in the lake's shallow central basin off the Cleveland area, when organic matter like algae dies and settles to the bottom. As it decomposes, it eats oxygen, creating a blanket of water on the bottom several feet deep where living things can't survive.

In the 1960s -- fueled by phosphorus and other organic pollutants that fed huge mats of algae and weeds -- dissolved oxygen was virtually nonexistent in many parts of Lake Erie.

Modern pollution controls stemming from the 1972 Clean Water Act successfully reversed that problem, forcing polluters like the Detroit wastewater treatment plant, which sends effluent directly to Lake Erie via the Detroit River, to control its phosphorus emissions. The dead zone shrank accordingly.

"By about 1985, we had met the goals for nutrient loading," said Paul Bertram, an environmental scientist with the Environmental Protection Agency in Chicago. "And we figured it would take about 10 years" to see Erie's nutrient levels drop to stable levels.

"It looked like we were on trajectory to do that," he said Monday.

Then, in the mid-1990s, levels of nutrients such as phosphorus started rising, despite estimates that amounts entering the lake were stable.

Brandt said the dead zone has expanded for about seven consecutive years, consuming roughly the bottom 9 feet to 25 feet of the 75-foot-deep water. It is spread over an area that varies from year to year, but typically is about 30 miles by 50 miles of lake bottom.

The oxygen depletion kills microscopic creatures that form the base of the lake's food chain.

Finding out whether that's happening, especially with bottom-dwelling walleye, is "the kind of thing we want to explore," he said, referring to the study.

The new probe will involve 10 research vessels crisscrossing the lakes, some of which will be launched next month. More than a dozen observation buoys will be deployed to send continuous water-quality readings to scientists.

Brandt said an Internet link will be announced later this year that will allow the public to access real-time data and see the dead zone expand and contract.

While definitive answers are scarce, scientists have several theories about what's contributing to the oxygen depletion. Chief among them are zebra mussels and their burlier relative, the quagga mussel, which filter tiny nutrients from the water that can cause these problems, scientists say:

•The greater water clarity caused by the mussels allows sunlight to reach deeper into the lake, accelerating the growth of weeds and algae that contribute to oxygen depletion when they die off.

•The mussels excrete phosphorus immediately after eating phosphorus-containing organisms, making the nutrient immediately available for new plant growth.

Theories about other contributors to the oxygen problem include low water levels of the past several decades that have altered the ratio of nutrients to water, a warming of the lakes that has increased plant growth and an increase in unmonitored runoff of fertilizer and animal waste from factory farms in the Erie watershed.
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