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 ar'not they a part

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004

ar'not they  a part Empty
MessageSujet: ar'not they a part   ar'not they  a part EmptyVen 20 Jan à 17:58

Snake 'befriends' snack hamster

Aochan, the snake 'seems to enjoy' being with Gohan, the hamster
A rodent-eating snake and a hamster have developed an unusual bond at a zoo in the Japanese capital, Tokyo.
Their relationship began in October last year, when zookeepers presented the hamster to the snake as a meal.

The rat snake, however, refused to eat the rodent. The two now share a cage, and the hamster sometimes falls asleep sitting on top of his natural foe.

"I have never seen anything like it," a zookeeper at the Mutsugoro Okoku zoo told the Associated Press News agency.

The hamster was initially offered to Aochan, the two-year-old rat snake, because it was refusing to eat frozen mice,.

As a joke, the zookeeper said they named the hamster Gohan - the Japanese word for meal.

"I don't think there's any danger. Aochan seems to enjoy Gohan's company very much," said zookeeper Kazuya Yamamoto.

BBC Thursday, 19 january
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

ar'not they  a part Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ar'not they a part   ar'not they  a part EmptySam 21 Jan à 0:47

elle ne mangait pas des souris surgelees avant.. donc je me demande ce qu'elle mangait?
Ca arrive parfois lorsque tu habitues une tortue a manger qu'une chose (par exemple les petites gambas en boite qu'ils vendent pour elles) apres si tu essaies de donner autre chose, elles ne mangent pas....
Ben.. parfois l'instinct ne se declenche pas si facillement :s190: )
J'ai une tortue qui vit avec des poissons et des crevettes sans les manger. De temps en temps il attaque un poisson mais il ne le mange pas.. il le fait par accident (car le poisson l'a chatouille ou un truc comme ca :s190: )
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

ar'not they  a part Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ar'not they a part   ar'not they  a part EmptyLun 23 Jan à 0:44

j'ai trouve des photos :s190:

ar'not they  a part 02temp0vl

ar'not they  a part 03temp7zo

ar'not they  a part 04temp2kz
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Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004

ar'not they  a part Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ar'not they a part   ar'not they  a part EmptyLun 23 Jan à 17:47

how cute ! (ou cude)
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

ar'not they  a part Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ar'not they a part   ar'not they  a part EmptyJeu 26 Jan à 9:57

ils s'appellent Romeo et Juliette.. et couchent ensemble s164

ar'not they  a part Romeojul
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