| *** Niouzes insolites *** | |
Auteur | Message |
Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 8 Fév à 11:06 | |
| - Mina a écrit:
- bin saches qu'en Afrique, se faire traiter de vache est un très grand compliment - si si, quand on te dit que tu as des "yeux de vaches" ça veut dire qu'ils sont très beaux
:s193: :s193: :s193: :s186: :s186: :s186: et penser que moi je disais que la Sandra du loft avait des yeux de vache.... tiens...ca me fait penser... a l'amerique centrale c'est un compliment si qqun te dit qu'il/elle te trouve grosse.... :s190: "ay, pero que bien te ves, como estas de gordita" (... t'es bien nourri quoi et ca c'est bon la bas...) Aux USA par contre si l'on te dit ca, il faut faire la sale gueule :s193: :s193: | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 8 Fév à 11:47 | |
| - Ole a écrit:
- tiens...ca me fait penser... a l'amerique centrale c'est un compliment si qqun te dit qu'il/elle te trouve grosse.... :s190:
"ay, pero que bien te ves, como estas de gordita" (... t'es bien nourri quoi et ca c'est bon la bas...)
on m'appelait "la flaca", je dois l'prendre comment ? :s186: | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 8 Fév à 14:29 | |
| - Mina a écrit:
- Ole a écrit:
- tiens...ca me fait penser... a l'amerique centrale c'est un compliment si qqun te dit qu'il/elle te trouve grosse.... :s190:
"ay, pero que bien te ves, como estas de gordita" (... t'es bien nourri quoi et ca c'est bon la bas...)
on m'appelait "la flaca", je dois l'prendre comment ? :s186: :s236: non non ne le prends mal.. ca doit etre car a leurs yeux tu as l'air d'etre tres "longue" ... tu vois, tu n'es pas grosse et en plus tu es haute :s190: | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 8 Fév à 15:26 | |
| oh lala!! une radio de foux!!! litteralement http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4120397.stm | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 10 Fév à 1:20 | |
| LONDRES (Reuters) - Un fan de rugby gallois s'est coupé les testicules à la suite d'un pari perdu lié à la victoire inattendue de son équipe face à l'Angleterre ce week-end, rapporte mardi le Daily Mirror. Geoff Huish, 26, était tellement convaincu que l'Angleterre l'emporterait samedi qu'il a déclaré avant le match aux personnes qui l'avaient accompagné boire un verre dans un club privé: "Si les Gallois gagnent, je me les coupe." Ses compagnons pensaient qu'il plaisantait. Mais après la victoire de son équipe, Huish est rentré chez lui et s'est coupé les testicules au moyen d'un couteau. Il a ensuite parcouru, ses gonades dans la main, les 200 mètres le séparant du club où il s'est présenté à la stupéfaction générale. Huish a été hospitalisé dans un état grave, selon le quotidien populaire britannique. Des policiers ont expliqué au journal qu'il avait des antécédents psychiatriques. La victoire du Pays de Galles 11-9 face à l'Angleterre au Millennium Stadium de Cardiff est la première du Quinze du poireau à domicile face aux Anglais depuis 12 ans. http://www.reuters.fr/locales/c_newsArticle.jsp?type=oddNews&localeKey=fr_FR&storyID=7565582 | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 10 Fév à 9:35 | |
| Man Finds Mystery Nail in His NeckA Rusty Nail Is Extracted from a California Man's Neck; He Has No Idea How It Got There Feb. 8, 2005 — Talk about a pain in the neck. Steve Villagomez, a 29-year-old football coach in California, thought he injured his neck during a football practice this past summer and visited a doctor. An X-ray revealed he had what appeared to be a metal object lodged in his neck. Having no idea how metal would get in his neck, Villagomez thought the diagnosis must be incorrect and ignored it. "I thought, there's no way," he said Tuesday on "Good Morning America." "I didn't believe the pictures." The Magnet Test Fast forward to October, when Villagomez was telling some of his fellow coaches about the bizarre X-ray. The head coach, whom Villagomez describes as a "real joker," suggested putting a magnet to his neck to test the diagnosis. Villagomez took the head coach's advice and began experiencing pain in his jaw and neck, so he visited another doctor, who confirmed the original diagnosis. Villagomez had a foreign object lodged in his neck and was referred to Dr. Paul Yun, an ear, nose and throat specialist. A Rusty Nail Is Extracted Yun was stunned when he examined Villagomez's X-rays. "I thought it was a joke, some sort of gag," Yun told "Good Morning America." "It was a very strange X-ray." After convincing Villagomez he should have the object removed, Yun operated and extracted a nearly two-inch-long rusty nail from Villagomez's neck. Despite the fact that the nail could have been lodged in his neck anywhere from six months to several years, Villagomez had experienced no pain or complications from it, outside of the incident during the summer. "It looks like it could have been there a few years," said Villagomez. "I just never noticed it." Yun says Villagomez was extremely lucky the nail was lodged where it was. "It was probably the only place in his neck it could hide without causing any problems," he said. Medical Mystery The most baffling part of the incident is that Villagomez says he has absolutely no idea how the nail got there. | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 10 Fév à 10:15 | |
| euh traduction svp ? d'après mon dico: un ongle rouillé | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 10 Fév à 10:23 | |
| - Mina a écrit:
- euh traduction svp ?
d'après mon dico: un ongle rouillé non non!!! alors..... je te raconte en detaille!! bon, le mec qui a mal au coup (il pense qu'il s'a fait du mal en jouant au foot ou un truc comme ca). Bon donc il va chez le medecin... et le medecin lui dit qu'il semble qu'il a un truc metalique dans le cou..... Le mec s'en va pensant que le medecin est fou... c'est du n'importe quoi!!!! il continue sa vie mais.. encore un peu de discomfort... et il raconte a un ami qu'il etait deja alle chez le medecin qui lui a dit n'importe quoi (un truc metalique... pff!!) Alors l'ami lui dit ..... pourquo ne pas essaier voir ce qui se passe s'il pose un "magnet" sur son cou (euh.. iman en francais? le truc magnetique ou collent les metaux .. tu vois?). pas bete comme idee... :s190: Le mec si pose un "magnet" sur le cou et c'est toute la machoire qui tire .. plein de mal... Ok.. donc il decide aller chez un 2eme medecin qui lui fait une radio et lui donne la nouvelle: Vous avez un clou de 5 cms dans votre cou!!! :s190: genial!! le probleme c'est que le mec n'arrive pas a expliquer comment ce clou est arrive la!!! Pas d'idee!!!!!! Donc.. si tu as mal qqpart.. fais gaffe!!!!! :s190: | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 10 Fév à 11:08 | |
| aaaaaaaaaaah, un "nail" c'est un "clou" aussi ? (bon la photo c'est pas évident nan plus) il l'a sûrement depuis très longtemps (ça a cicatrisé autour je pense) et la douleur ne s'est réveillée que récemment.. | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 10 Fév à 11:25 | |
| oui ben..il etait rouille!! mais quand meme!! comment est il possible qu'un clou de 5 cms rentre dans ton cou et tu ne sens rien!!!??!!! (ce mec aurait pu etre viole et ne pas etre au courant !! ) | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 10 Fév à 17:43 | |
| il faut acheter des actions de cette compagnie!! ca va se vendre comme du pain chaud et on pourra devenir millionaires!!! :s193: :s179: :s193:
Women can now spray on their libidos!:
[Health India]: Sydney, Feb 10: A new spray developed by Monash University in Melbourne has been found to significantly improve younger women's sexual enjoyment and satisfaction.
According to News.com, the testosterone spray was tested on 261 premenopausal women aged 35-45 across Australia who had a low libido and testosterone levels.
Each woman kept a diary throughout the 16-week study, in which they were also given dummy doses, to record all sexual events along with the level of satisfaction.
Those who used the spray recorded, on average, two more satisfactory sexual experiences a month than before taking the hormone.
"But many younger women also report having low sexual interest and enjoyment, and traditionally this has been explained away as being caused by relationship issues, depression or other life circumstances. But now we know for many women the underlying problem is biological," lead researcher Susan Davis was quoted as saying. (ANI)
http://news.newkerala.com/india-news/?action=fullnews&id=70465 | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Ven 11 Fév à 14:09 | |
| On a trouve un chupacabras au New Mexico?? argh!! il faudra trouver des meillieurs photos que ca!! voila l'article d'aujourd'hui: http://www.kobtv.com/index.cfm?viewer=storyviewer&id=17037&cat=HOME et dans cette page la il y a aussi une video!! (je n'ai pas encore vu la video.. je la regarderai la prochaine semaine ) | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Sam 12 Fév à 2:33 | |
| mais pourquoi on ne se debarrase pas de tout ca!!,??? il va falloir demanteler tout ca .. On sait bien que les bombes nucleaires ne sont pas "eternelles" , elles se deteriorent et il faut les demanteler ... sinon il y a des risques d'accident!! non mais!!!!! c'est inadmissible tout ca... (et penser que a l'amerique latine on n'a pas a se faire de soucis de tout ca car il y a longtemps on a signe un traite pour ne pas developper ou avoir des armes nucleaires chez nous............... US Holds 480 Nuclear Weapons In Europe - StudyBy Rupert Cornwell in Washington The Independent - UK 2-10-5 More than a dozen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, America still keeps 480 nuclear weapons in Europe, more than twice as many as previously believed, according to an authoritative new study. The Washington-based Natural Resources Defence Council says the weapons are under US control and stored at eight bases in six countries - Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Turkey. The weapons are all gravity bombs. Three hundred are fitted to be dropped by US planes, and 180 by planes from local air forces. In Britain, 110 weapons are said to be stored at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, home to 5,000 US military personnel and three squadrons of F-15 aircraft. Germany is host to the most, with 150 kept at three bases. A further 90 apiece are in Italy and Turkey, and 20 apiece in Belgium and the Netherlands. The report, compiled from documents obtained under the US Freedom of Information Act, military literature, and material from NGOs and other sources, is in sharp contrast with official indications that US nuclear weapons in Europe total no more than 200 or so, after "significant reductions" in recent years. Indeed, the previous study by the NRDC itself, a privately financed arms control group, put the number of such US weapons in Europe at between 150 and 200. That was in 1998. At the height of the Cold War, the US had 7,300 short range weapons in Europe, but that fell steeply after arms control treaties of the late 1980s. The new report, 102 pages long, challenges the entire rationale for keeping a nuclear arsenal of any size in Europe. Pentagon officials say they are part of Nato's "strategic deterrence mission" in the region, hinting that they could be employed to counter a non-conventional threat from countries such as Iran or Syria. But the NRDC dismisses that reasoning as "obsolete and vague". It argues long range nuclear missiles based in the US render Europe-based ones superfluous. Indeed, the presence of the latter is if anything counterproductive - "an irritant" in relations with Russia, and a factor undermining Washington's efforts to prevent countries such as Iran from acquiring nuclear arms. In what may be no coincidence, the report appears as Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, meets his Nato counterparts in Nice for talks in which nuclear proliferation is to be a key topic. European members are divided on the issue. 2005 Independent News & Media (UK) Ltd. http://news.independent.co.uk/ | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 15 Fév à 13:06 | |
| ils ont créé une basse mondiale des passeports ! :s207: et on est tous dessus ! :s207: mets ton nom et ta nationalité ici et tu verras bien... | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 15 Fév à 23:55 | |
| arg arg!!!! :s190: c'est bien moi, la Cheetah (mais tu m'as foutu la truille quand meme car.... les passports de chez nous ne se font plus chez nous.... ils se font maintenant aux USA!!! Et oui!!! c'est horrible, bizarre .... et longue histoire... Mais ca semble vrai que Bush et compagnie ont dans leurs plans d'avoir repertorie tout le monde dans l'amerique latine. Dans un article j'avais lu qu'ils avaient meme achette les listes d'elections presidentielles du Mexique!! ) | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mer 16 Fév à 9:55 | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mer 16 Fév à 12:29 | |
| oui oui.. et la compagnie qui etait en train de faire tout ca... c'etait une compagnie qui etait aussi melee au scandale de Floride (aux elections americaines de 2000)... Si je retrouve l'article..... | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mer 16 Fév à 12:34 | |
| pas trouve l'article originale (avec tous les details) mais pour te donner une idee de de qui on parle..... :
ChoicePoint Sells Personal Information on Latin Americans to the American Government
In April 2002, EPIC obtained documents under FOIA that indicated that the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) had purchased personal information from the national ID databases of several Latin American countries. ChoicePoint, a data brokerage company, has a contract with INS to provide citizen registry, motor vehicle, and other information for Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Columbia, and Costa Rica.
In April 2003, Jim Krane of the Associated Press wrote an article about the sale of this information that ran in newspapers internationally. From there, the documents sparked inquiries in Mexico and other Central and South American countries regarding the sale of foreign citizens' personal information to the US government by information broker ChoicePoint.
Latin American privacy experts claim that the acquisition of the information by ChoicePoint may have been illegal, and that the sale infringes on national sovereignty. Costa Rican, Nicaraguan, and Mexican authorities have decided to investigate the matter, and the Mexican Federal Electoral Institute filed a criminal complaint against persons who have sold voter data to ChoicePoint.
One group of documents obtained from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) shows that ChoicePoint offered a contract for unlimited direct access to international databases for a $1 million fee. Other documents obtained from the Department of Justice Management Division show that the agency entered into an $11 million contract with ChoicePoint for fiscal year 2002.
* Mexico claims ChoicePoint stepped across the line, Atlanta Journal Constitution, April 27, 2003.
ChoicePoint's Subsidiary, DBT, Scrubbed Many Eligible Voters from the Florida Election Rolls in 2000
Investigative reporter Greg Palast has extensively covered the sale of personal information by ChoicePoint's subsidiary, DBT Online, to the Florida government. The information was used to scrub voter rolls of ineligible voters--individuals who had committed felonies. Palast found that DBT's records contained numerous errors, resulting in the exclusion of many voters. Most of the excluded voters were poor or minorities. http://www.epic.org/privacy/choicepoint/ | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 17 Fév à 22:28 | |
| des pierres qui bougent a death valley:
http://billandcori.com/deathvalley/dv_moving_rocks.htm | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Jeu 17 Fév à 23:50 | |
| :s207: oh la la... une femme qui est detenue pour etre en train de conduire en etat d'ivresse... bien, rien d'etrange la hein? oui mais.. elle est tombee ivre en buvant du liquide pour nettoyer les dents (de la marque Listerine). Argh.. moi j'ai utilise ce truc et je ne savais pas qu'il y avait tant d'alcool dedans!!! oui mais...on ne doit pas l'avaler quand meme!!
Woman DUI Sentenced - Drunk On Listerine 2-16-5
ADRIAN, Mich. -- A Michigan woman who drank three glasses of Listerine mouthwash will serve two years probation -- after pleading guilty to drunken driving. Police suspected 50-year-old Carol Ries was intoxicated after she rear-ended another vehicle at a red light last month. Officers then found a Listerine bottle in her car. She passed one breath test, but failed another -- which showed a blood-alcohol level of .30, more than three times the legal limit for driving in Michigan. According to the maker of Listerine, the original-formula contains nearly 27 percent alcohol, more than four times that of many beers. Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Sam 19 Fév à 13:11 | |
| Vatican offers exorcism lessons
ca y est Mina!! on va pouvoir te guerrir!!!! :s190: :s179: :s193: :s186: | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Lun 21 Fév à 10:16 | |
| ah vala... on a fait du progress!! :s193: maintenant c'est les OVNIs qui sont responsables de tout ce qu'on n'arrive pas a expliquer... :s190:
A new finding in India: Extraterrestrial UFOs have the capabilities to disable all nuke missiles in the world including that of India’s, Pakistan’s and China’s
Indian scientists are slowly understanding that the Extraterrestrials have very unique power of jamming the operational characteristics of any device made by human beings. If they wish they can disable any equipment instantaneously. That may be one of the reasons why the UFOs are never really caught on the non-manipulated authenticate camera that can really prove their existence.
They can easily jam the operations of any nuke missiles in the world including that of India, Pakistan and China. They may have informed the same to all nuke powers of the world and that may be one of the reasons, major powers understand that owning nukes does not make any special strategic advantage.
In recent days, when Pakistan-India border tensions escalated, both India and Pakistan had difficulty in understanding why their nuke loaded missiles were disabled. American and Russians have experienced the same phenomenon several times in the last sixty years. The Chinese have experienced the effect and have in the past suspected Americans and others causing the problem. They have moved their nuke operational theater way below the earth’s surface but the jamming effect have not gone away.
According to Indian scientists, if the extra-terrestrials ever get to know that a country is trying to use nuke missiles that will impact over the whole world to a catastrophic extent, they will immediately disable the nukes.
Reports from UK say that the extraterrestrials know very well every nuke installations and their exact locations in the world. The main reasons why these unmanned robotized UFOs visit in so many numbers on the earth is to locate all nukes that human being are making including the one made and carried by the terrorists like suitcase radiological bombs.
According to sources, all the Governments with nuke capabilities know that their delivery systems can be disabled by these extra-terrestrials and that is a major concern for them. http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/1656.asp | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 22 Fév à 10:27 | |
| tiens!! c'est bizarre cette maladie!!! imagine... tu perds ta capacite de dormir!! tu ne dors plus et tu meurs de ca! quelle torture!! Je ne savais aps que cela existait... Family Battles Familial Fatal Insomnia - A Prion DiseaseFrom Patricia Doyle, PhD Familial fatal insomnia: a human prion disease which opens the door to a greater understanding of the thalamus. In 1986, Lugaresi described fatal familial insomnia (FFI), an inherited prion disease, characterised by untreatable insomnia and dysautonomia. The most severe neuropathological changes have been found in the mediodorsal (MD) and anterior (A) thalamic nuclei. The data lead to think that the thalamus could play an important role in the wake-sleep cycle and other vegetative and endocrine circadian activities, specially MD and A. Some background on FFI, a prion disease: http://www.merck.com/mmhe/sec06/ch090/ch090c.html Fatal familial insomnia is a prion disease that interferes with sleep, leading to deterioration of mental function. Fatal familial insomnia is a genetic disease, due to a specific mutation in the PrPc gene. However, the disease can occur spontaneously, without a mutation. This form is called sporadic fatal insomnia. Fatal familial insomnia and sporadic fatal insomnia differ from other prion diseases because they affect predominantly one area of the brain, the thalamus, which influences sleep. The disease usually begins between the ages of 40 and 60 but may begin in a person's late 30s. Most often, it runs in families. At first, people may have minor difficulties falling asleep and occasional problems with muscle movements. Eventually, they lose the ability to sleep. Other changes include muscle twitching, rapid heart rate, and dementia. Death usually occurs after about 7 to 36 months of illness. No treatment is available. If they can find a cure for FFI, then they will have a cure for Mad Cow. Patricia Doyle Family Battles Fatal Insomnia Full story is here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6822468/ | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: *** Niouzes insolites *** Mar 22 Fév à 13:52 | |
| bizarre... moi le truc qui me fait vraiment flipper c'est la "malédiction d'Ondine": la fonction qui te fait respirer automatiquement s'arrête, et si tu oublies de respirer, tu es mort ! donc dormir, tu oublies | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
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| *** Niouzes insolites *** | |