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 the day after demain

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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMar 7 Déc à 11:00

:t1528: t1529 c'est quoi ce truc!!??

Chemtrails And Aerosol Fibers Rain On Texas Town
From Lisa

the day after demain - Page 2 C1

Dear Jeff,

Here is an email I sent to Carol Carnicom along with some photo attachments. There are nine pictures all together and yahoo only allows 5 attachments, so I will be sending them in two different emails.

My family and I recently moved from the Dallas area in hopes that a small town atmosphere would lessen the impact of this stuff. I was completely wrong in my thinking, for it has only gotten worse. We are not far from Bush's Crawford Ranch. As I mention in the letter below, please feel free to contact me. I only wish my photos captured how truly hideous this scene was.

The below was sent to Carnicom on 12-06-04:

I had showed the photos I sent you to some friends of mine, and they suggested I pass them on to Rense or someone who would have an interest. I remembered I had corressponded with you in the past and thought maybe Cliff would be interested.

I live in Hewitt Texas, which is a few miles south of Waco. These pictures were taken from an elementary school parking lot and some from my own yard.

It seems every day around here is a "spray day." On some days, though, this stuff literally rains down from the sky. I've seen it hanging for miles on the light posts along the highway.

It's sad that I have to question whether my son should go out to play or whether to walk the dog. I've even thought to wear gloves to open the mailbox.

Needless to say, if samples were ever needed or further investigation into this should be warranted, I would be a willing contact.

Thank you for your time.

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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMar 7 Déc à 12:19

faut croire que les élus de l'église évangélique attent sereinement la catastrophe !

pas Blair on dirait :
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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMar 7 Déc à 13:12

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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 8 Déc à 10:57

Forecast for 2005: Another Busy Hurricane Season
By Robert Roy Britt
LiveScience Senior Writer
posted: 03 December 2004
05:30 pm ET

On the heels of one of the most deadly hurricane seasons in memory, a top forecaster is calling for another busy year in the Atlantic basin for 2005.

"We foresee a slightly above-average hurricane season for the Atlantic basin in 2005," Colorado State University forecaster William Gray said Friday. "Also, an above-average probability of U.S. major hurricane landfall is anticipated. We do not, however, expect anything close to the U.S. landfalling hurricane activity of 2004."

Gray and his colleagues predict 11 named tropical storms for the Atlantic Basin, which includes the Gulf of Mexico, in 2005. Of those, they expect six to become hurricanes, and three of those to become major hurricanes with sustained winds of 111 mph or stronger.

The odds of at least one major storm hitting the U.S. coast is 69 percent, he said.

This year's hurricane season, when ended Nov. 30, saw a whopping 15 named storms, nine hurricanes, and six major hurricanes.

Gray has for 22 years been making long-range hurricane predictions, based on such factors as multi-year trends, current sea surface temperatures in the tropics, and factors seemingly far away like rainfall in Africa and the El Nino cycle in the Pacific. The forecast will be revised periodically up to and even into next season.

The Atlantic Basin season next year begins, as always, on June 1.
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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 8 Déc à 17:49

Privé de pêches pour sauver l'océan


un pavé dans l'océan. A la veille d'annonces sur les quotas et la réforme de la politique de la pêche à Bruxelles, la Commission royale britannique sur la pollution de l'environnement (RCEP) publie un volumineux rapport sur l'impact de la pêche dans les eaux britanniques. Avec une recommandation au gouvernement de Tony Blair qui va faire grincer des dents : l'interdiction de toute pêche commerciale dans l'équivalent de 30 % des eaux économiques britanniques. Des zones choisies en fonction de leur biodiversité.

«Il serait difficile d'imaginer que nous acceptions de telles destructions sur la terre ferme, a expliqué Tom Blundell, le président de la RCEP. Mais parce qu'ils se produisent en mer, les dégâts sont largement cachés.» Il estime qu'une telle intervention «est nécessaire pour préserver l'écosystème et rompre le cycle actuel de quotas irréalistes et de diminution de la population de poissons».

Massacre. Pour les experts britanniques, il y a urgence à arrêter le massacre. Outre les espèces surexploitées, les poissons sans valeur commerciale sont rejetés morts à la tonne, des millions d'oiseaux et mammifères sont mortellement blessés et les filets de pêche profonde détruisent irrémédiablement les coraux froids (Libération du 1er décembre). Interrogé par la BBC hier, le ministre britannique de la Pêche, Ben Bradshaw, a reconnu que les réserves de pêche sont «le deuxième plus grand défi international après le réchauffement climatique». Un avis que ne partage pas vraiment le haut fonctionnaire européen John Farnell qui, au micro de la BBC, a jugé «très brutale» l'idée d'interdiction évoquée par la RCEP. Bruxelles doit, selon lui, proposer aux Etats membres «des fermetures significatives dans une partie de la mer du Nord et dans plusieurs zones au large de la péninsule Ibérique». Ce qui devrait provoquer d'important remous chez les professionnels, éprouvés par la hausse du pétrole cette année.

Faciles à contrôler. Pour de nombreux scientifiques, il faudra agir à une tout autre échelle. C'est le cas de Hans Lassen, l'un des responsables du Conseil international de l'exploration de la mer (Ciem), à Copenhague, qui élabore chaque année des recommandations pour l'UE. «La proposition anglaise revient à protéger le dixième de la mer du Nord. Les scientifiques évoquent plutôt une interdiction dans la moitié de cette mer pour avoir un impact significatif sur l'écosystème.» Hans Lassen estime que les zones d'exclusion sont plus faciles à contrôler que des quotas. «Les satellites permettent de suivre en permanence la position des navires de pêche. Pas besoin dans ce cas-là de vérifier les cargaisons pour voir si un quota n'a pas été dépassé.» Fin octobre, le Ciem avait recommandé d'interdire la pêche à la morue (Libération du 28 octobre) dans l'Atlantique Nord et la mer du Nord.
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Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 13 Déc à 12:57

Paris-New-York aller-retour: une tonne de CO2 par passager !
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 13 Déc à 13:14

j'ai pas de voiture, donc j'ai droit à un quota s163
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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 15 Déc à 10:50

Human extinction within 100 years warns scientist


A top New Zealand researcher is using a prestigious award ceremony in Christchurch to warn that humans face extinction by the end of the century.

Professor Peter Barrett will be presented with the Marsden Medal tonight for his 40-year contribution to Antarctic research, latterly focusing on climate change.

The director of Victoria University's Antarctic Research Centre expects to use his acceptance speech to warn climate change was a major threat to the planet.

"After 40 years, I'm part of a huge community of scientists who have become alarmed with our discovery, that we know from our knowledge of the ancient past, that if we continue our present growth path, we are facing extinction," Barrett said. "Not in millions of years, or even millennia, but by the end of this century."

Barrett won the award – designed to mark lifetime achievement in the sciences – for his research into Antarctica, which began with helping prove New Zealand was once part of the Gondwanaland supercontinent.

He then changed disciplines, to predicting the impact of climate change. The result was a body of research on Antarctic ice sheets "which to our surprise is becoming increasingly relevant to the world as a consequence of global warming".

Barrett's warning underlines comments he made last year that even the Kyoto Protocol on global warming would not be enough to avert a climate disaster. The United States and Australia have refused to adopt Kyoto protocol measures.

"Research on the past Antarctic climate has an ominous warning for the future ..." he said.

"We need an international commitment to an effective solution, if we are to survive the worst consequences of this grandest of all human experiments."
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Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 15 Déc à 10:54

the day after demain - Page 2 Armeedouzesinges2

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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 15 Déc à 11:16

et maintenant des tsunamis geants lies au rechaufement climatique? t1522

The Megatsunami: Possible Modern Threat
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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyDim 19 Déc à 18:29

sur la 5 a ce moment... une emission ou ils parlent des innondations a cause du rechauffement globale...
ils parlent de Venise qui est en grand risque!! les eaux montent et il y a un projet de 3 milliards d'euro pour faire un barrage pour essayer de sauver la ville. Le probleme c'est que le barrage va aussi empecher l'evacuation des eaux usees... t1522
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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyJeu 30 Déc à 2:35

oh la la.. ... normallement la Californie a une meteo magnifique..... ca c'est vraiment bizarre... Lissez l'article... la pluie qu'ils ont eu c'est la plus forte jamais enregistree (depuis qu'ils registrent al meteo ... 1877 ...)

Storm causes more outages and road problems in California, evacuations in Arizona

ANABELLE GARAY, Associated Press Writer

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

A powerful storm battered the West for a third straight day Wednesday, forcing hundreds of people out of a scenic region of Arizona, sending recreational vehicles floating down a flooded creek and turning Southern California freeways into a virtual demolition derby.

The storm spawned a tornado in Southern California and blacked out more than 140,000 customers in the area while making for treacherous driving conditions. The California Highway Patrol logged 220 crashes between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning -- more than three times the normal amount.

Police reported hundreds of traffic accidents around Las Vegas, where firefighters rescued several drivers from cars stalled in deep water. No serious injuries were reported.

At least 300 people were evacuated because of flooding in low-lying areas of Sedona, where Oak Creek rose 11 feet during the night, reaching 14 feet by late morning. It was likely to crest at 161/2 feet, the National Weather Service said.

"I've been here since 1977 ... This is the worst," said Marc Spector, owner of the Hideaway Restaurant, which is perched on a cliff overlooking Oak Creek.

Some homes had minor flooding and people were stranded in water-logged vehicles in Sedona, a town of some 10,000 people surrounded by towering red rock formations that draw hundreds of thousands of tourists.

Large RVs were seen floating down Oak Creek southwest of Sedona. Elsewhere, 100 people were evacuated from two mobile home parks in Black Canyon City about 40 miles north of Phoenix. The rain also caused rock slides, authorities said.

Up to 2.4 inches of rain had fallen on parts of the rugged area of central Arizona, the weather service said.

The California tornado struck two Los Angeles suburbs after midnight, ripping the roof off a house, snapping trees and damaging cars, but causing no injuries.

"I didn't expect a tornado out here in Los Angeles. I mean, that's back in the Midwest where I'm from," resident Derek Williams told KCAL-TV.

Storm-related deaths since Monday mounted to five in California, and several highways were closed because of flooding and mudslides, officials said. High wind in San Diego County snapped off the top 200 feet of the KSON radio tower in National City.

By early Wednesday, downtown Los Angeles had logged 6.37 inches of rain since late Sunday. Tuesday's total alone was 5.55 inches, the city's rainiest December day since record-keeping started in 1877. On Monday, San Francisco was hit by more than 3 inches of rain and suburban Marin County got more than 7 inches.

In Utah, 19 inches of snow fell at the Brian Head Resort, but skiers couldn't take advantage of it because 70 mph wind prevented the resort from starting its chair lifts.
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Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Jan à 15:35

Pour la première fois, de la neige aux Emirats arabes unis

DUBAI (AFP) - De la neige est tombée aux Emirats arabes unis, une première, de mémoire d'habitant, dans ce pays désertique touché par une vague de froid et des pluies inhabituelles, où une couche de neige a recouvert les montagnes de Ras al-Khaïmah (nord).

La département de la météo à l'aéroport de Dubaï, interrogé par l'AFP, a indiqué que la neige était tombée sur la région montagneuse de Ras al-Khaïmah, l'un des sept émirats de la fédération, située à l'extrême nord du pays.

Cette région montagneuse, d'une altitude de 1.737 mètres, "a connu de fortes chutes de neige durant les deux dernières nuits, en raison d'une baisse des températures qui ont atteint jusqu'à moins 5 degrés Celsius", à la grande surprise de la population, a rapporté jeudi le quotidien Gulf News.

Une vague de froid et de fortes pluies inhabituelles se sont abattues cette semaine sur les Emirats. Le thermomètre affichait mercredi soir 12 degrés Celsius à Dubaï.

Le département de la météo a indiqué que la vague de froid à Dubaï, où la température monte en été jusqu'à 50 degrés, devrait se dissiper dès la semaine prochaine t1525
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Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Jan à 15:41

L'astrologie a sauvé le Cambodge, dit Sihanouk

PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - L'ancien roi Norodom Sihanouk du Cambodge rapporte qu'un astrologue l'avait averti qu'un "cataclysme ultra-catastrophique" allait se produire mais que son pays serait épargné si des rituels appropriés étaient accomplis.

D'après un message publié sur son site internet, Sihanouk a décidé avec son épouse de consacrer plusieurs milliers de dollars à l'organisation des cérémonies requises pour qu'une telle catastrophe soit épargnée au Cambodge et à sa population.

Le Cambodge n'a pas été touché par les vagues géantes provoquées le 26 décembre par un séisme sous-marin d'une magnitude de 9 degrés survenu au large de Sumatra.

Sihanouk, qui a abdiqué l'an dernier, exprime ses condoléances les plus profondes aux familles des victimes de la catastrophe et annonce une contribution personnelle "extrêmement modeste" de 15.000 dollars à l'aide internationale. s218
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Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Jan à 16:20

Le séisme a peut-être accéléré la rotation de la Terre

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Le séisme meurtrier qui a frappé ce week-end le Sud-Est asiatique a peut-être accéléré de façon permanente la rotation de la Terre, raccourcissant les jours d'une fraction de seconde et faisant vaciller la planète sur son axe, selon des chercheurs américains.

Pour Richard Gross, un géophysicien du Laboratoire de propulsion de la Nasa, en Californie, le déplacement de masses opéré dimanche en direction du centre de la Terre a accéléré la rotation de la Terre de trois microsecondes, soit un millionième de seconde, et l'a fait s'incliner d'environ 2,5 cm par rapport à son axe.

Quand la grosse plaque tectonique située sous l'océan Indien a été contrainte de passer sous la plaque voisine, "cela a eu pour effet de rendre la Terre plus compacte, ce qui fait qu'elle a tourné plus vite", dit-il.

Selon Gross, les modifications qu'il a détectées sont vraisemblablement trop infimes pour avoir été repérés par le réseau GPS surveillant en permanence la rotation de la Terre, mais les données fournies par son matériel trahissent néanmoins un léger vacillement.

Les pôles terrestres effectuent un trajet circulaire qui peut varier d'environ dix mètres, donc un écart de 2,5 cm est peu susceptible d'avoir des effets à long terme, précise-t-il.

"Ce mouvement continuel est souvent sujet à des modifications", explique Gross. "Le mouvement de rotation n'est en réalité pas si précis que ça. La Terre ralentit parfois, changeant de vitesse de rotation."

Quand ces petites variations s'accumulent, les astronomes doivent ajouter une seconde à la fin de l'année, un ajustement qui n'a pas été nécessaire depuis de nombreuses années, précise-t-il.

Les chercheurs estiment depuis longtemps que les modifications subies par la surface de la Terre, telles que les marées et les changements climatiques peuvent avoir un impact sur sa rotation, mais ils ne disposent pas de mesures précises leur permettant de le prouver, selon le sismologue Hiroo Kanamori, de l'université californienne Caltech.

"Même quand l'événement est très important, l'effet est minime", dit-il. "Il est très difficile de modifier de manière significative la vitesse de rotation."

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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Jan à 18:07

tsunami possible en Méditerrannée
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Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Jan à 18:18

nomad_land a écrit:

tsunami possible en Méditerrannée

*se planque derrière ses Alpes* :s190:
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Date d'inscription : 17/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyLun 3 Jan à 18:46

parions pour l'engouement de l'altitude !
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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Jan à 2:39

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l'arrivée du tsunami
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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMar 4 Jan à 3:01

inoui !
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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyJeu 13 Jan à 21:20

oh my GOd!!!! t1525 t1525 t1525 t1525 t1525 t1525 t1525

Do God's work by waging war in Iraq, and don't worry about the environment since the "end of days" is near.
By Gerald Rellick

It appears that members of the Religious Right feel empowered these days following the reelection of their man, George W. Bush. In addition to the usual social and cultural issues that incite these people, they also have strong views on the war in Iraq and the environment.

In a speech at Harvard Medical School, Bill Moyers lamented the twisted views of many on the Religious Right. Moyers writes that these are people who subscribe to the fundamentalist doctrine of the Apocalypse and the related Rapture, which concepts “[are] rather simple, if bizarre....

“Once Israel has occupied the rest of its ‘biblical lands,’ legions of the anti-Christ will attack it, triggering a final showdown in the valley of Armageddon. As the Jews who have not been converted are burned, the messiah will return for the rapture. True believers will be lifted out of their clothes and transported to heaven, where, seated next to the right hand of God, they will watch their political and religious opponents suffer plagues of boils, sores, locusts, and frogs during the several years of tribulation that follow.”

Moyers continues:

“I’m not making this up. I’ve reported on these people, following some of them from Texas to the West Bank. They are sincere, serious, and polite as they tell you they feel called to help bring the rapture on as fulfillment of biblical prophecy. That’s why they have declared solidarity with Israel and the Jewish settlements and backed up their support with money and volunteers. It’s why the invasion of Iraq for them was a warm-up act, predicted in the Book of Revelations.... A war with Islam in the Middle East is not something to be feared but welcomed -- an essential conflagration on the road to redemption.”

And there is official support in Washington for these Apocalyptic views. According to an article by Glenn Scherer in Grist, House Majority Leader Tom Delay -- a self-declared member of the Christian Zionists, an End-Time faction numbering 20 million Americans -- was present at a fire and brimstone sermon at John Hagee’s San Antonio-based Cornerstone Church in 2002 when Hagee told his congregation, “The war between America and Iraq is the gateway to the Apocalypse.” After Hagee’s sermon, Delay was quoted as saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, what has been spoken here tonight is the truth from God.”

In Delay’s view, and those of others End-timers, our soldiers are being thrown into combat to help fulfill a two-thousand year old Biblical prophecy that intelligent people know to be myth. It’s true that since WMD and a connection to al Qaeda have both been discredited, George Bush’s rationale for the war in Iraq has been forced to shift to “higher ground.” But Bush has yet to lay this one on the American people. Perhaps this will come after the Iraq democracy experiment fails.

The Environment

The Religious Right’s position on care of the environment, Scherer explains, is much like their view on the war in Iraq. Many fundamentalists feel that “environmental destruction is not only to be disregarded but actually welcomed -- even hastened -- as a sign of the coming Apocalypse.” As Scherer puts it:

“Why care about the earth when the droughts, floods, famine and pestilence brought by ecological collapse are signs of the apocalypse foretold in the Bible? Why care about global climate change when you and yours will be rescued in the rapture? And why care about converting from oil to solar when the same God who performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes can whip up a few billion barrels of light crude with a word?”

Scherer reports that in the 2000 election, the Christian Right cast about 15 million votes, and Karl Rove was shooting for 20 million in this last election. Beyond its voting strength, the Christian Right already has considerable power in place in the form of members of Congress who are also “End-Time” believers. The two most powerful of these are House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (again!) and Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chair James Inhofe of Oklahoma. Both have expressed their scorn for environmental protection. According to Scherer, “DeLay has fought to gut the Clean Air and Endangered Species acts. [And] Inhofe invited a stacked deck of fossil- fuel-funded climate-change skeptics to testify at a Senate hearing that climaxed with him calling global warming ‘the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.’”

And Inhofe once stated to a religious publication, “I don’t believe there is a single issue we deal with in government that hasn’t been dealt with in the Scriptures.”

Two measures of the anti-environment stance among legislators are the rankings given to them by certain major advocacy groups. To no one’s surprise, Inhofe scored a 100 percent rating in 2003 from the three major Christian-right advocacy groups, while earning only a five percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters. And of nine Republicans on Inhofe’s Senate committee, eight earned an average 94 percent approval rating in 2003 from the Christian right, while scoring only four percent on the environmental approval rating. And Delay and Inhofe are not alone. Scherer notes that 231 U.S. legislators either believe apocalyptic End-Time doctrine or, “for political expediency, are happy to align themselves with those who do.”

A Darker Agenda

While the fundamentalist religious views held are to some degree probably genuine, there is also a darker side to these legislators’ anti-environment agenda: nearly all of them have strong ties to the energy industry. Inhofe, writes Scherer, “received more than $558,000 from the fossil-fuel industry, electric utilities, mining, and other natural-resource interests, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Eight of the nine other Republican members of Inhofe’s committee received an average of $408,000 per senator from the energy and natural resource sector over the same period. By contrast, the eight committee Democrats and one Independent came away with an average of just $132,000 per senator from that same sector since 1999.”

This is tie that binds -- Jesus merging with the energy industry to clear the land and despoil the air and water, or what Alexander Zaitchik calls “the synchronicity between God and chainsaw.” Writing in the New York Press, Zaitchik puts it all in good perspective:

“Southern evangelicals set the social agenda at the grassroots level, while secular forces in the north (and west) set the economic and foreign policy agendas. These policies are then fed back to the religious base through industry-subsidized Christian Right leaders in Congress and the media, who reinforce the idea that pollution controls are part of the same godless liberal plot that wants gay porn and home-abortion kits distributed in the public school system.”

It was twenty years ago that James Watt, Ronald Reagan’s first Secretary of the Interior, testified before Congress, dismissing care of natural resources, explaining that “after the last tree is felled, Christ will come back.” Watt resigned shortly thereafter. Who would have thought that Watt’s sick vision would come back to haunt us at a time when the United States should be leading the world in environmental stewardship? Polls have consistently shown that Americans favor strong environmental protection laws. We need to send a message to Washington that representative democracy is still alive in this country, and that rejecting the will of the people is a dangerous path to walk.
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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Jan à 14:54

Disaster Looms for Megacities, UN Official Says

euh.. je crois que nous sommes 15 million a paris et environs.. n'est ce pas?? t1525
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Jan à 15:00

(ptaiiiiin 35 millions d'habitant rien qu'à Tokyo ? :s207: soit 5x plus d'habitants que dans toute la Suisse :s207: nan je réalise pas bien :s207: )
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Jan à 15:57

wow.. oui c'est impressionant quand on compare comme ca.... pense a la vue surtout... t1525 du beton partout ou tu vois dans l'horizon.... t1522 Il faut etre tres organises pour ne pas etre en chaos parmi tant de monde.. ouff....
mmm je me souviens quand j'ai survole la ville du mexique... c'etait impresionant quand tu vois la taille d'en haut..... un 5 quoi!!! :s190:

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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

the day after demain - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Jan à 16:03


je sais pas pourquoi (enfin si, chuis un peu bizarre) je pense aux montagnes de caca s169 et autres déchets ménagers... ça doit être incroyable à évacuer, tout ça...

bon c'est vers l'océan mais apparement peut pas trop y avoir de tsunamis dans la petite crique.... ouuuu biiiien ? t1525
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the day after demain - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: the day after demain   the day after demain - Page 2 Empty

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the day after demain
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