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 UK or US ?

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyVen 4 Aoû à 11:35

nomad a écrit:

un medecin a installé son bureau dans sa voiture... US !

oh oh.. emigrant lithuanien... il ne connait pas encore le pays... s169
son diplome est lithuanien aussi?
non mais.; t'as vu dans les news insolites (ou plastic hollywood.. j'en sais plus ou je l'ai mis) il y a un medecin bresilien en prison pour avoir cause la mort d'une patiente de liposuction...
il faisait de la boucherie chez lui quoi....
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyJeu 10 Aoû à 14:12

as tu vu le truc en Angleterre?
risque d'attentats contre les USA!

et toi qui parlais que les americains avaient oublie l'annee des attentats...
on dirait qu'il y avait qqun planifiant un rappel t1525
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyJeu 10 Aoû à 15:11

je garde un certain scepticisme...

comme par hasard, les anglais s'embourbent en Irak, et ils étaient déjà 80% à ne pas vouloir y aller;
comme par hasard, Israël va bientôt lancer une grande offensive terrestre au Liban et s'est mis le monde à dos;

bref rien de tel qu'une ptite piquûre de rappel pour continuer à sortir des lois liberticides, pour resserrer les rangs derrière Bush et Blair - alors que ça devrait justement montrer qu'ils n'ont fait que rendre le monde plus dangereux...

je crois que le film "V for Vendetta" (à voir absolument) m'a vraiment bien marquée... je doute de tout t1529
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyDim 13 Aoû à 17:48

Mina a écrit:
je garde un certain scepticisme...

comme par hasard, les anglais s'embourbent en Irak, et ils étaient déjà 80% à ne pas vouloir y aller;
comme par hasard, Israël va bientôt lancer une grande offensive terrestre au Liban et s'est mis le monde à dos;

bref rien de tel qu'une ptite piquûre de rappel pour continuer à sortir des lois liberticides, pour resserrer les rangs derrière Bush et Blair - alors que ça devrait justement montrer qu'ils n'ont fait que rendre le monde plus dangereux...

je crois que le film "V for Vendetta" (à voir absolument) m'a vraiment bien marquée... je doute de tout t1529

oui.. je me suis dit la meme chose...
mais je ne sais plus car d'une autre cote on ne peut pas nier non plus que les Americains ont plus d'amis que jamais a ce moment s190
Non mais... on l'aviat dit.. que l'invassion d'Irak ne ferait qu'incrementer le terrorisme...

Ah.. mais rien a craindre! s216 Il faut rester cool.. il y a rien rien a craindre car sinon Blrair serait deja de retour de ses vacances au Caraibes, n'est ce pas? s163
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyLun 14 Aoû à 9:29

Ole a écrit:
il y a rien rien a craindre car sinon Blrair serait deja de retour de ses vacances au Caraibes, n'est ce pas? s163

that's a point s243
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyLun 14 Aoû à 12:30

Mina a écrit:
Ole a écrit:
il y a rien rien a craindre car sinon Blrair serait deja de retour de ses vacances au Caraibes, n'est ce pas? s163

that's a point s243

as tu remarque que dans les photos qu'on montre a la tele on voit que lui en maillot de bain? s190

et Cherie??
la scene trop effrayante? s190
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyLun 14 Aoû à 13:55

nan pas vu... ils commencent à le faire avec des politiciens suisses et je trouve ça vraiment nul t1513

c'est plus facile de mettre Blair en slip moule-bite en une, ça fait plus vendre que le nombre de soldats morts en Irak t1530
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMar 15 Aoû à 16:40

Oh-ho, voilà un site qui va te plaire chica s164

Citation :
In mid-2003 Iran broke from tradition and began accepting eurodollars as payment for its oil exports from its E.U. and Asian customers. Saddam Hussein attempted a similar bold step back in 2000 and was met with a devastating reaction from the U.S. Iraq now has no choice about using U.S. dollars for oil sales (Censored 2004 #19). However, Iraq's plan to open an international oil exchange market for trading oil in the euro currency is a much larger threat to U.S. dollar supremacy than Iraq’s switch to euros.

While the dollar is still the standard currency for trading international oil sales, in 2006 Iran intends to set up an oil exchange (or bourse) that would facilitate global trading of oil between industrialized and developing countries by pricing sales in the euro, or “petroeuro.” To this end, they are creating a euro-denominated Internet-based oil exchange system for global oil sales. This is a direct challenge to U.S. dollar supremacy in the global oil market. It is widely speculated that the U.S. dollar has been inflated for some time now because of the monopoly position of “petrodollars” in oil trades. With the level of national debt, the value of the dollar has been held artificially high compared to other currencies.

hé oui, 2012, la fin du couple pétrole-dollars, ça se précise s243
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Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMar 15 Aoû à 17:13

j'ai déjà vu cette info sur des sites canadiens et americains

il semblerait que la rumeur ait été lancée par un illuminé dans une université lambda

j'ai soumis l'info à mon beauf canadien qui est dans la finance, il dit que c'est des conneries !

ben autrement la monaie d'échange risque de redevenir l'or, Putin est en train d'en amasser des tas, et je crois que la france a qq réserves également
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Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMar 15 Aoû à 17:15

les temps changent on dirait !
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMar 15 Aoû à 17:24

nomad a écrit:
il semblerait que la rumeur ait été lancée par un illuminé dans une université lambda

bin j'voulais aller sur le blog d'Amadin' pour lui demander mais il sature s157
nan ça doit pouvoir se vérifier kékpart...

nomad a écrit:
ben autrement la monaie d'échange risque de redevenir l'or, Putin est en train d'en amasser des tas, et je crois que la france a qq réserves également

oh ptain et dire que la Suisse est en train de brader ses réverves (et des années qu'ils savent pas quoi faire du milliard que ça va rapporter, aaarf) t1525
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMar 15 Aoû à 17:25

nomad a écrit:
j'ai déjà vu cette info sur des sites canadiens et americains

il semblerait que la rumeur ait été lancée par un illuminé dans une université lambda

j'ai soumis l'info à mon beauf canadien qui est dans la finance, il dit que c'est des conneries !

ben autrement la monaie d'échange risque de redevenir l'or, Putin est en train d'en amasser des tas, et je crois que la france a qq réserves également

ben... que le changement a euros a ete une des causes de l'invassion d'Irak.. cela on en parle depuis un moment...
La these ne semble pas fausse puisque tous les pays du monde soutienent l'economie americaine a tout cout parce que leur propre economie depend d'elle (puisque le petrole est quote en dollars). Mais si le dollar n'etait plus la monaie qu'on utilise pour quoter le petrole, on n'aurait plus besoin de soutenir et nourrir l'economie americaine artificiellement....

voila le danger... et je crois que les americains l'ont vu.... (et les iraniens et iraqiens aussi..... ).

Je crois que Chavez aussi parle de changer de monaie.... c'est une maniere simple de faire chier les americains...
(héhéhé... je me rappelle encore de l'avoir vu crier pour l'anniversaire de Fildel..... Que viva Fidel, carajo! )
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Aoû à 15:50

voila la suite des evenements:

1. En Inde on trouve que Pepsi et Coca Cola ont des niveaux de pesticides qui depassent les normes acceptables.... alors ils decident de bannir les boissons
2. Les USA reagisent avec des menaces .... que si le banissement continue ca va gener le "trade" entre les deux pays....
Donc quoi? Ils vendent de la merde nocive et ils nous obligent a la boire meme contre notre volonte? Merde! j'espere que le "peuple" va etre intelligent en reagir en "ne pas achetant" des produits "imposés" de cette maniere.. pff...
voila l'article
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMer 16 Aoû à 16:17

...à ce que j'ai lu, l'Inde ferait marche arrière après une étude scientifique commandée et payée par... Coca-Cola, démontrant qu'il n'y a pas de pesticides (sur la base d'échantillons fournis par... Coca-Cola, et non prélevés sur place) t1530

autre joyeuseté, les autorités britanniques envisagent de concentrer les contrôles selon les origines ethniques ou religieuses:,,2-2313135.html
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyJeu 17 Aoû à 11:54

Mina a écrit:
...à ce que j'ai lu, l'Inde ferait marche arrière après une étude scientifique commandée et payée par... Coca-Cola, démontrant qu'il n'y a pas de pesticides (sur la base d'échantillons fournis par... Coca-Cola, et non prélevés sur place) t1530

pfff.. n'importe quoi...
encore une histoire comme quand les fabriquants de clopes juraient que la clope ne causait pas le cancer et la nicotine n'etait pas addictive (tous les etudes etaient payes par eux memes.... ). On a eu attendre plus de 40 millions de morts pour avouer la verite... et cela seulement parce que c'etait des americains qui ont protesté et fait des process.... Si ca aurait ete des etrangers..... on aurait encore des campagnes de mainformation dans la tele nous racontant les mesonges d'autrefois... s163

Citation :

autre joyeuseté, les autorités britanniques envisagent de concentrer les contrôles selon les origines ethniques ou religieuses:,,2-2313135.html

ah.... Les Americains ont essaye de faire cela en Amerique mais cela n'a pas marche car il y a eu des plaintes de "racial profiling" (un type de discrimination quoi).
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Aoû à 0:11

Agent de la DEA qui se fait un tire sur la jambe devant des enfants....
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyVen 25 Aoû à 8:58

...toujours aussi bon s1

sinon, j'adoooore les Anglais quand il font de l'humour:
c'était lors de la visite de Dick Cheney s164 s216
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptySam 26 Aoû à 0:17

'I can't go to Iraq. I can't kill those children' - Suicide soldier's dying words to his mother
By Cahal Milmo
Published: 25 August 2006

While his peers from St Augustine's Catholic school were this month contemplating university careers or first jobs, Jason Chelsea was preoccupied with a different future: his first tour of duty in Iraq.

The 19-year-old infantryman, from Wigan, Greater Manchester, was tormented by concern about what awaited him when the King's Lancaster Regiment reached Iraq, where 115 British soldiers have been killed since 2003.

He had even told his parents that he had been warned by his commanders that he could be ordered to fire on child suicide bombers.

It was a fear that he never confronted. Within 48 hours of confessing his concerns to his family, Pte Chelsea was dead after taking an overdose of painkillers and slashing his wrists.

On his death bed, he told his mother, Kerry: "I can't go out there and shoot at young children. I just can't go to Iraq. I don't care what side they are on. I can't do it."

Today, mourners including comrades from his unit will attend Pte Chelsea's funeral, wearing the colours of his two favourite football teams, Chelsea and Wigan. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is to begin an investigation into his death, including allegations that the teenager was bullied. In a suicide note, the young soldier had said that he was "just a waste".

His parents said yesterday that their son's ordeal had convinced them of the need for an urgent review of the pre-deployment training given to British soldiers bound for Iraq.

Tony Chelsea, 58, a factory production supervisor, said: "My son was made very, very lonely by what was happening to him. He was very sad inside and he bottled up what was causing it. It was only after the overdose that he told us about his fears over what might happen in Iraq.

"In training, they were made to wrestle with dummies. Jason said they were also told they might have to fight kids and that they might have to shoot them because they were carrying suicide bombs. He said the policy [where there was a suspected suicide bomber] was to shoot first and ask questions later."

His mother added: "Jason said that during the training for Iraq he had been told that children as young as two carry bombs and the time may come when he would have to shoot one to save himself and his friends. I think they need to think again about the training they give to young soldiers before Iraq."

It is understood guidelines on training for British troops heading for Iraq offer no warning on child suicide bombers. But defence sources confirmed that the details of the advice given to soldiers are decided by each regiment. There have been no known cases of suicide attacks in Iraq committed by young children.

The death of Pte Chelsea, who had served in Germany and Cyprus, will renew concern about the psychological pressures faced by British troops as they deal with deployment to Iraq. Four days before the infantryman attempted to take his life, the MoD released figures showing that 1,541 soldiers who served in Iraq are suffering from psychiatric illness. Last year, 727 cases were recorded, amounting to nearly 10 per cent of the British deployment. Special units have now been set up in the country to help soldiers deal with combat stress. While services were also available in Britain to Pte Chelsea to discuss his concerns within the Army, it seems he felt unable to disclose them.

He had joined the Army at 16 after a visit to his school, St Augustine's, telling his family the Army was to be his life. He was at home on leave when his fears came to a head this month.

After watching a football match on the night of 10 August, he calmly wrote the suicide note, telling his father it was a letter to a relative, took 60 painkillers then slashed his wrists. As he lay bleeding, the soldier dialled 999, telling the operator: "I have done something stupid."

In normal circumstances, Pte Chelsea, who suffered from dyslexia, may have recovered from his injuries. But when doctors began tests to assess the damage caused to his liver by the drugs, it was found that the organ had been irreparably damaged by alcohol. His family were told his liver was similar to that of someone who had been an alcoholic for 20 years and he would not survive a transplant. He died on 14 August at St James's Hospital in Leeds after his family gave consent for his other organs to be used for transplants.

His father said he believed t he reasons behind his son's drinking had provoked a previous suicide attempt in 2004, when he cut his wrists in his barracks. After this incident, Pte Chelsea was treated by an Army psychiatrist which the family said had restored his confidence.

Mr Chelsea said: "My son started drinking 18 months ago. He destroyed his liver in less than a year and a half. I believe that is because he was being bullied again. He did not want to make anything of it. He was in the Army, he knew he had to be tough. But it only takes a few words. He said he would hear comments aimed at him because of his dyslexia. He was told he would get his colleagues killed because he was stupid.

"I support the British Army and what it does. But I would like to stand before my son's unit with a picture of him in uniform and ask those who made these comments to him time after time to think about the effect they had."

The young soldier's despair was displayed in the note he wrote to his parents before his overdose. He said: "Really sorry, mum and dad. I'm just no good for you. I have got to finish it. I am just a waste."

The MoD said it was "greatly saddened" by the death but the details of his treatment remained the subject of an inquiry. A spokesman said: "We send our heartfelt sympathies to the family of Pte Chelsea. It is our intention to convene a board of inquiry which will examine the circumstances around his death."

Five other suicides since Iraq invasion

* JULY 2004

Pte Gary Boswell, 20, of the Royal Welch Fusiliers, hanged himselfnear his home in Milford Haven. He was on leave from Iraq

* 31 OCTOBER 2004

Staff Sgt Denise Rose, 34, who served in the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police, was found dead from a gunshot wound at a British Army base in Basra

* 26 DECEMBER 2004

Sgt Paul Connolly, 33, of the 21st Engineer Regiment of the Royal Engineers was found dead from a gunshot wound at Shaibah Logistic Base, south-west of Basra

* 15 OCTOBER 2005

Capt Ken Masters, 40, of the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police, hanged himself in his office in Basra, just five days before the end of a tour

* 22 MARCH 2006

Cpl Mark Cridge, 25, of 7 Signal Regiment, shot himself at Camp Bastion in the Helmand province of Afghanistan.

While his peers from St Augustine's Catholic school were this month contemplating university careers or first jobs, Jason Chelsea was preoccupied with a different future: his first tour of duty in Iraq.

The 19-year-old infantryman, from Wigan, Greater Manchester, was tormented by concern about what awaited him when the King's Lancaster Regiment reached Iraq, where 115 British soldiers have been killed since 2003.

He had even told his parents that he had been warned by his commanders that he could be ordered to fire on child suicide bombers.

It was a fear that he never confronted. Within 48 hours of confessing his concerns to his family, Pte Chelsea was dead after taking an overdose of painkillers and slashing his wrists.

On his death bed, he told his mother, Kerry: "I can't go out there and shoot at young children. I just can't go to Iraq. I don't care what side they are on. I can't do it."

Today, mourners including comrades from his unit will attend Pte Chelsea's funeral, wearing the colours of his two favourite football teams, Chelsea and Wigan. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is to begin an investigation into his death, including allegations that the teenager was bullied. In a suicide note, the young soldier had said that he was "just a waste".

His parents said yesterday that their son's ordeal had convinced them of the need for an urgent review of the pre-deployment training given to British soldiers bound for Iraq.

Tony Chelsea, 58, a factory production supervisor, said: "My son was made very, very lonely by what was happening to him. He was very sad inside and he bottled up what was causing it. It was only after the overdose that he told us about his fears over what might happen in Iraq.

"In training, they were made to wrestle with dummies. Jason said they were also told they might have to fight kids and that they might have to shoot them because they were carrying suicide bombs. He said the policy [where there was a suspected suicide bomber] was to shoot first and ask questions later."

His mother added: "Jason said that during the training for Iraq he had been told that children as young as two carry bombs and the time may come when he would have to shoot one to save himself and his friends. I think they need to think again about the training they give to young soldiers before Iraq."

It is understood guidelines on training for British troops heading for Iraq offer no warning on child suicide bombers. But defence sources confirmed that the details of the advice given to soldiers are decided by each regiment. There have been no known cases of suicide attacks in Iraq committed by young children.

The death of Pte Chelsea, who had served in Germany and Cyprus, will renew concern about the psychological pressures faced by British troops as they deal with deployment to Iraq. Four days before the infantryman attempted to take his life, the MoD released figures showing that 1,541 soldiers who served in Iraq are suffering from psychiatric illness. Last year, 727 cases were recorded, amounting to nearly 10 per cent of the British deployment. Special units have now been set up in the country to help soldiers deal with combat stress. While services were also available in Britain to Pte Chelsea to discuss his concerns within the Army, it seems he felt unable to disclose them.

He had joined the Army at 16 after a visit to his school, St Augustine's, telling his family the Army was to be his life. He was at home on leave when his fears came to a head this month.

After watching a football match on the night of 10 August, he calmly wrote the suicide note, telling his father it was a letter to a relative, took 60 painkillers then slashed his wrists. As he lay bleeding, the soldier dialled 999, telling the operator: "I have done something stupid."

In normal circumstances, Pte Chelsea, who suffered from dyslexia, may have recovered from his injuries. But when doctors began tests to assess the damage caused to his liver by the drugs, it was found that the organ had been irreparably damaged by alcohol. His family were told his liver was similar to that of someone who had been an alcoholic for 20 years and he would not survive a transplant. He died on 14 August at St James's Hospital in Leeds after his family gave consent for his other organs to be used for transplants.

His father said he believed t he reasons behind his son's drinking had provoked a previous suicide attempt in 2004, when he cut his wrists in his barracks. After this incident, Pte Chelsea was treated by an Army psychiatrist which the family said had restored his confidence.

Mr Chelsea said: "My son started drinking 18 months ago. He destroyed his liver in less than a year and a half. I believe that is because he was being bullied again. He did not want to make anything of it. He was in the Army, he knew he had to be tough. But it only takes a few words. He said he would hear comments aimed at him because of his dyslexia. He was told he would get his colleagues killed because he was stupid.

"I support the British Army and what it does. But I would like to stand before my son's unit with a picture of him in uniform and ask those who made these comments to him time after time to think about the effect they had."

The young soldier's despair was displayed in the note he wrote to his parents before his overdose. He said: "Really sorry, mum and dad. I'm just no good for you. I have got to finish it. I am just a waste."

The MoD said it was "greatly saddened" by the death but the details of his treatment remained the subject of an inquiry. A spokesman said: "We send our heartfelt sympathies to the family of Pte Chelsea. It is our intention to convene a board of inquiry which will examine the circumstances around his death."

Five other suicides since Iraq invasion

* JULY 2004

Pte Gary Boswell, 20, of the Royal Welch Fusiliers, hanged himselfnear his home in Milford Haven. He was on leave from Iraq

* 31 OCTOBER 2004

Staff Sgt Denise Rose, 34, who served in the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police, was found dead from a gunshot wound at a British Army base in Basra

* 26 DECEMBER 2004

Sgt Paul Connolly, 33, of the 21st Engineer Regiment of the Royal Engineers was found dead from a gunshot wound at Shaibah Logistic Base, south-west of Basra

* 15 OCTOBER 2005

Capt Ken Masters, 40, of the Special Investigation Branch of the Royal Military Police, hanged himself in his office in Basra, just five days before the end of a tour

* 22 MARCH 2006

Cpl Mark Cridge, 25, of 7 Signal Regiment, shot himself at Camp Bastion in the Helmand province of Afghanistan.
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyDim 27 Aoû à 11:55

UK or US ? - Page 2 B0347B2035DE416B9817A477AD76F8AB1

Chavez of Arabia? s207
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Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyLun 28 Aoû à 23:38

sex shop en feu
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Nombre de messages : 3727
Localisation : Sweetzerland
Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptyMar 29 Aoû à 10:20

nomad a écrit:

sex shop en feu

arfff "Porno for pyros" c'est le nom d'un groupe de rock s169
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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 7076
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptySam 9 Sep à 9:36

bon.. encore ce cas.... mais la realite c'est que je suis "speechless" en lissant ca... Est ce que des histoires pareils se produissent ici en France? peut etre elles ne sont publies ? ou c'est que aux USA qu'on voit des trucs pareils? (c'est qqchose qu'ils bouffent ou quoi?! ) t1496

Citation :

20 boys sexually assault child as older teenager supervises


Milwaukee: An 11-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by as many as 20 boys as a 16-year-old girl watched and told her what sex acts to perform, authorities say.

"It almost leaves me speechless. It is just senseless acts of violence. It is inhumane. It is embarrassing to the city of Milwaukee and its people. ... There should be outrage," said Barbara Nuell-Moore, director of the neighbourhood-improvement group Project Respect.

The 16-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy have been charged in juvenile court in the alleged attack, which authorities say took place on Monday in a house. A 40-year-old man said in court papers to have confessed to having sex with the child may also be charged, authorities said.


As for the others, "we're dealing with a lot of nicknames so we're trying to track down these people", prosecutor Matthew Torbenson said on Thursday.

Numerous violent crimes have shocked this Midwestern city this summer, starting with a weekend in late May in which 28 people were shot. Homicides overall are down this year, but two other categories of violent crime are up from 2005 assaults by 22 per cent and robberies by 36 per cent, Police Chief Nan Hegerty told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Hegerty's spokeswoman said the chief had no comment on the alleged gang rape. According to court papers, the 11-year-old girl told police she was interested romantically in the 16-year-old girl, who looked and dressed like a boy. The 16-year-old girl and the 15-year-old boy were charged with being a party to sexual assault.
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Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptySam 9 Sep à 14:01

c'est partout le même pourcentage de perverts !

je pense que la television est aussi un vecteur déclenchant !
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Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004

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MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptySam 9 Sep à 15:05

nomad a écrit:
c'est partout le même pourcentage de perverts !

je pense que la television est aussi un vecteur déclenchant !

mais tu te rends compte du point de vue de la petite de 11 ans aussi? on dirait qu'elle etait quand meme d'accord a tout ca... et tout cela car elle se sentait attiree sexuellement par la fille?!?! Attends.... 11 ans n'est pas un age pour avoir des desirs sexuels mais plutot des desirs de poupées, jeux de societe etc..... Je me demande si les hormones qui ajoutent a la viande aux USA y sont pour quelque chose aussi....
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Nombre de messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004

UK or US ? - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: UK or US ?   UK or US ? - Page 2 EmptySam 9 Sep à 21:36

à onze ans, certaines filles ont déjà leur libido en place

elles ressemblent à leur mère, et les garçons (ou hommes) pensent avoir à traiter avec une adulte un peu retardée, la gamine forcément n'est pas armée pour écarter les ennuis !

mes fils à l'école ont expérimenté l'effet inverse, les filles de leur âge ont grandi plus vite qu'eux ; lorsque celles-ci avaient tous les appats d'un sex symbol, eux ressemblaient toujours à des enfants
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