| UK or US ? | |
Auteur | Message |
Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Mer 4 Oct à 13:23 | |
| et bien.. cela arrive en USA et en UK aussi... - Citation :
Teens injured in McDonalds shooting Two teenagers have been injured in a shooting at a McDonalds restaurant in south London. The friends, who are both believed to be 17, are understood to have been outside the Brixton restaurant when the shooting took place on Thursday afternoon. One of the teenagers was shot in the chest, and was critically ill, although he is now reported to be in a stable condition. His friend, who was shot in the arm, is also in a stable condition. It is believed that the suspect, who is described as black and around 6ft 1in tall, fled the scene on foot. The Metropolitan Police's Operation Trident team, which investigates gun crime amongst London's black community, are investigating the attack. Appealing for information, Detective Constable Luis Martinez said that the restaurant was "very busy" at the time of the shooting. He added that those present in the restaurant, including families and young children had been "shocked and terrified" by the attack. (KMcA/EF) http://www.4ni.co.uk/news.asp?id=55443
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Ven 6 Oct à 21:32 | |
| bon.. je mets un article en francais mais franchement il y a plus de details (et ca fait peur) en anglais: http://news.bostonherald.com/national/view.bg?articleid=161063 - Citation :
Explosion chimique aux É-U: 17 000 personnes à évacuer
Agence France-Presse
Entre 16 000 et 17 000 personnes ont été appelées à évacuer et 18 ont été légèrement intoxiquées après une explosion dans une usine de produits chimiques à Apex (Caroline du Nord, sud-est) dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, a-t-on appris vendredi auprès des autorités.
«L'explosion s'est produite à 22 h locales jeudi soir à l'usine EQ Industries et un important incendie s'est déclaré. Entre 16 000 à 17 000 personnes ont été appelées à évacuer et quelque 600 personnes ont été recueillies dans des abris d'urgence», a dit à l'AFP Sharon Brown, responsable de la communication du comté de Wake.
«Dix-huit personnes ont été blessées légèrement, principalement des policiers et des pompiers», a-t-elle ajouté.
«L'incendie n'est toujours pas maîtrisé et cela pourrait prendre plusieurs jours avant que le feu ne soit circonscrit, les pompiers devant d'abord déterminer l'origine de l'explosion», a-t-elle poursuivi, en indiquant qu'il pourrait s'agir de chlore.
EQ Industries est installée dans la ville d'Apex, elle-même distante d'une vingtaine de kilomètres de Raleigh, la capitale de la Caroline du Nord.
L'usine fabrique des produits chimiques dont certains sont dangereux, a souligné Mme Brown. http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20061006/CPMONDE/610061221/1030/CPMONDE
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Mer 18 Oct à 21:28 | |
| On peut se faire delivrer du sperme frais! http://www.spermdirect.co.uk/ | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Mer 25 Oct à 11:09 | |
| U.S. Public at Risk from Radiation: Scientistshttp://uk.oneworld.net/article/view/141233/1/ Interessant... les standards de radiation qu'on permet dans l'environment aux USA sont bases sur les doses "dangereuses" pour un adulte, blanc, d'environ 1m75 et 154 livres de poids... Mais les femmes et les enfants rarement font ces dimensions... | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Ven 3 Nov à 15:38 | |
| arf le 2eme leader Evangeliste qui etait en train de pousser la loi contre le marriage homosexuel a demissione..... a cause d'un scandale ... on dit qu'il a eu des relations sexuelles avec un autre homme.. un escort...
Ca va chauffer cet affaire..
http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=2625645 | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Sam 4 Nov à 10:26 | |
| il semble que le probleme est grande:
Shaken by allegations that the head of the 30-million-member National Association of Evangelicals had a sex-and-drugs relationship with a gay male prostitute, leaders and scholars of evangelical Christianity say their religious movement is at a critical moment. http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2006-11-03-evangelical-scandal_x.htm | |
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Nombre de messages : 454 Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Sam 4 Nov à 12:36 | |
| yeah, ça va chauffer pour eux, (au secours, les démocrates arrivent !) | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Sam 4 Nov à 14:16 | |
| - nomad a écrit:
- yeah, ça va chauffer pour eux, (au secours, les démocrates arrivent !)
tu te rappelle qu'il y a eu un scandale sexuel parmi les Republicains il y a pas longtemps (celui de Foley qui faisait de la pedophile et apres il s'est excuse en dissant que c'etait car il avait ete abuse par un pretre quand il etait jeune... ). Et maintenant cet autre scandale.... et les gens qui en ont marre des toutes les hypocrisies de Bush deja.... oui oui;; ca va chauffer! | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Dim 5 Nov à 15:26 | |
| Nomad.. j'ai ce qui semble etre les photos du "escort" .... Le mec homo qui a eu des relations sexuels avec l'evangeliste Ted Haggard. il s'appelle Mike Jones et si tu veux voir plus de photos ou lui contacter pour des services , voila son site: Cliquer ici pour aller au site | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Lun 27 Nov à 20:13 | |
| 31% des etudiants arretent l'ecole et n'obtienent pas leur diplome de Highschool aux USA: - Citation :
A recent study by the Department of Education found that 31 percent of American students were dropping out or failing to graduate in the nation's largest 100 public school districts. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=2667532&page=1
Ca va faire des degats ca.... Le niveau sociale diminue... | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Lun 27 Nov à 23:10 | |
| ....vu le niveau des diplômés, déjà... | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Ven 1 Déc à 0:06 | |
| oh la.. des milliards de litres d'eaux usées partent dans les Grands Lacs sans etre traitées!!! La honte! http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20061129.SEWAGE29/TPStory/Environment | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Mer 13 Déc à 11:01 | |
| On dirait que Euro Disney a plein de problemes... http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0%2C1518%2C453917%2C00.html euh.. mais l'article dit que les francais sont tres anti-americains? c'est vrai ca? | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Mer 3 Jan à 15:48 | |
| ah voila les wifi...
Health fears lead schools to dismantle wireless networks Joanna Bale # Radiation levels blamed for illnesses # Teacher became too sick to work The complete guide to the best schools in Britain
Parents and teachers are forcing some schools to dismantle wireless computer networks amid fears that they could damage children’s health. More schools are putting transmitters in classrooms to give pupils wireless access from laptops to the school computer network and the internet.
But many parents and some scientists fear that low levels of microwave radiation emitted by the transmitters could be harmful, causing loss of concentration, headaches, fatigue, memory and behavioural problems and possibly cancer in the long term. Scientific evidence is inconclusive, but some researchers think that children are vulnerable because of their thinner skulls and developing nervous systems.
At the Prebendal School, a prestigious preparatory in Chichester, West Sussex, a group of parents lobbied the headteacher, Tim Cannell, to remove the wireless network last month. Mr Cannell told The Times: “We listened to the parents’ views and they were obviously very concerned. We also did a lot of research. The authorities say it’s safe, but there have been no long-term studies to prove this.
“We had been having problems with the reliability of it anyway, so we decided to exchange it for a conventional cabled system.”
Vivienne Baron, who is bringing up Sebastian, her ten-year-old grandson, said: “I did not want Sebastian exposed to a wireless computer network at school. No real evidence has been produced to prove that this new technology is safe in the long term. Until it is, I think we should take a precautionary approach and use cabled systems.”
At Ysgol Pantycelyn, a comprehensive in Carmarthenshire, parents aired their concerns to the governors, who agreed to switch off its wireless network. Hywel Pugh, the head teacher, told The Times: “The county council and central government told us that wireless networks are perfectly safe, but as there were concerns we listened to them and decided that the concerns of the parents were of greater importance than our need to have a wireless network.”
Judith Davies, who has a daughter at the school, said: “Many people campaign against mobile phone masts near schools, but there is a great deal of ignorance about wireless computer networks. Yet they are like having a phone mast in the classroom and the transmitters are placed very close to the children.”
Stowe School, the Buckinghamshire public school, also removed part of its wireless network after a teacher became ill. Michael Bevington, a classics teacher for 28 years at the school, said that he had such a violent reaction to the network that he was too ill to teach.
“I felt a steadily widening range of unpleasant effects whenever I was in the classroom,” he said. “First came a thick headache, then pains throughout the body, sudden flushes, pressure behind the eyes, sudden skin pains and burning sensations, along with bouts of nausea. Over the weekend, away from the classroom, I felt completely normal.”
Anthony Wallersteiner, the head teacher of Stowe School, said that he was planning to put cabled networks in all new classrooms and boarding houses.
Professor Sir William Stewart, chairman of the Health Protection Agency, said that evidence of potentially harmful effects of microwave radiation had become more persuasive over the past five years. His report said that while there was a lack of hard information of damage to health, the approach should be precautionary.
A DfES spokesman said: “It’s up to individual schools to decide on this.” http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,591-2461748,00.html | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Jeu 18 Jan à 17:34 | |
| On a trouve un avocat tout nu dans la "Court" avec une fille de 14 ans..lui il a 49....
http://www.nbc10.com/news/10761790/detail.html | |
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Nombre de messages : 454 Date d'inscription : 23/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Jeu 18 Jan à 20:14 | |
| ah, ces juges : tous des cochons | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Ven 26 Jan à 15:45 | |
| arf arf!! kesk'ils sont cons les gens ! alors... des scientifiques ont dit qu'ils ont fait des experiences.... ils ont trampé des eponges dans de l'eau crade pleine de bacteries et ils l'ont mis dans le microondes pendant 2 minutes. 99% des bacteries ont ete tues..... Alors tout le monde a voulu nettoyer leurs eponges comme ca! Leurs eponges ont pris feu! et elles ont fait peter les fours au microondes et ils ont ecrit fachés aux scientifiques!!! Ils avaient oublie un petit detail: il fallait mouiller l'eponge! http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/01/24/germs.sponges.reut/index.html | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Ven 26 Jan à 18:48 | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Lun 29 Jan à 0:51 | |
| La panique aux aeroports aux USA... A l'aeroport de New York on a oblige une femme a boire son propre lait! (c'etait en 2002 mais c'est etonnant ) - Citation :
Airport Screeners Order Mom To Drink Breast Milk 8-9-2
In the latest in a series of airport security nightmares, a woman flying from New York to Florida was forced to drink three bottles of her own breast milk before being allowed to board a flight at JFK International Airport - in an incident that has one prominent New York civil rights attorney ready to sue. Elizabeth McGanny of Oceanside, N.Y. called WABC Radio's Curtis Sliwa and Ron Kuby Tuesday morning to relate the story. Guards at JFK's Delta terminal first "patted me down and made me take my shoes off," McGanny told the morning radio duo. "One security guard took my four-month-old out of my arms and then they went through the baby's diaper bag." There the guards discovered the three suspect bottles, McGanny said, and promptly ordered her to drink the contents. "I'm not drinking that. It's breast milk," she replied. "They said, 'Either drink all three bottles or you'r' not getting on the plane.'" McGanny said that when she asked the guards why they were putting her through the ordeal, they explained, "There could be explosives in the baby bottles and I could throw something at the stewardesses." "I asked them if I could just taste it; if I could just show them how you would check a baby's bottle - that it was warm milk and everything. And they said, 'No,'" ordering her to "drink it all." The nursing mom then offered to feed the milk to her baby as the guards looked on but they refused. After hearing the tale, Kuby, who doubles as one of New York's most celebrated civil rights attorneys, suggested that McGanny call his office. "How much money do you smell here?" Sliwa asked his radio partner. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/marketthoughts/message/7231 Mother Forced To Drink Breast Milk At JFK Security Check 8-9-2 A New York woman is considering taking legal action after security officials at JFK International Airport insisted she drink from bottles of her own breast milk in front of other passengers. Elizabeth McGarry, 40, says security guards questioned the contents of three bottles in her carry-on baggage before she boarded a plane with her infant daughter in April. The New York Post reports after Mrs McGarry explained it was breast milk, the guards insisted she take several sips from each bottle to prove the fluid posed no security threat. The officials rejected a compromise offer by Mrs McGarry that she dab a little milk on her arm and lick it off. "It was very uncomfortable and very embarrassing and very disgusting," she said. "I'm all for random searches ... but I do think the number of Caucasian, lactating mothers who have passed through Al Qaeda training camps is negligible," she said. Mrs McGarry is now weighing a suggestion from the civil rights lawyer that she sue over the incident. The Transport Security Administration (TSA), which oversees all airport security screeners, is refusing to comment directly on Mrs McGarry's case, saying it is only aware of press reports. "The TSA does not require people to drink from their liquids before going through security checkpoints," said TSA spokesman Greg Warren. "We do have a policy that anything going through a checkpoint must be screened and any liquids must be in resealable containers," he added. http://www.abc.net.au/news/justin/nat/newsnat-9aug2002-10.htm
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Ven 23 Fév à 16:14 | |
| Le pire c'est qu'il semble ne nous allons dans le meme chemin - Citation :
Prescription drug deaths skyrocket 68 percent over five years as Americans swallow more pills
Poisoning from prescription drugs has risen to become the second-largest cause of unintentional deaths in the United States, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, researchers found that deaths from prescription drugs rose from 4.4 per 100,000 people in 1999 to 7.1 per 100,000 in 2004.
This increase represents a jump from 11,000 people to almost 20,000 in the span of five years. [....] Psychotherapeutic drugs, like antidepressants and sedatives, nearly doubled from 671 deaths to 1,300. [...] Age-wise, the biggest jump was among people aged 15 to 24, which the CDC report says relates to recreational prescription drug use and a jump in cocaine use. [...]
plus ici: http://www.newstarget.com/021635.html
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Ven 23 Fév à 18:23 | |
| comme dirait Perez Hilton: FUCK REHAB non y'a qu'à voir Delarue qui pète les plombs dans l'avion... et le nombre de starlettes à peine majeure qui cumulent médocs, alcool et drogue (Britney mélangeait l'ecsta et le spécial K, boudiou seul les gens les plus fous que je connais le font)... comme le monde est malheureux... avec mes petits pétards, j'étais finalement bien sage... (là j'ai arrêté et je suis hyperactive comme avant mais je vais pas me soigner !) | |
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Ole Rang: Administrateur
Nombre de messages : 7076 Date d'inscription : 16/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Lun 26 Fév à 10:17 | |
| hyperactive? ca peut etre un effet passager... de toute maniere la desintoxication prend longtemps... tu dois attendre des années avant finallement revenir a la normale | |
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Nombre de messages : 3727 Localisation : Sweetzerland Date d'inscription : 22/09/2004
| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? Mer 28 Fév à 3:21 | |
| des années non... j'ai déjà fait plusieurs "breaks", parfois de plusieurs mois, et comme beaucoup de mes amis, il semble que ça soit assez rapide (beaucoup plus que le tabac !!!): pendant 1 semaine c'est très dur de s'endormir, on se met à se rappeler de ses rêves tout d'un coup (et des rêves très débiles ), puis après ça y est, on recommence à réfléchir à toute vitesse et avoir envie de faire plein de choses ...mais mon caractère était comme ça bien avant, même si j'ai un air calme et posé, je fais toujours 150 trucs à la fois, ma mère peut confirmer | |
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| Sujet: Re: UK or US ? | |
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| UK or US ? | |